Clay car body design
Clay car body design

  1. Clay car body design full#
  2. Clay car body design download#

Clay car body design full#

In doing this it was theorectically possible to also try and take into consideration how the hull would actually be built up by individual plate sections, and try and take into consideration limiting compound curvature in certain places to make it simpler to bend the plate when building the full scale ship. Specifically, in the past a hullform shape (or "ship's lines") would be drawn iteratively, plotting contours out in multiple views and checking that the lines were "fair", and slightly tweaking points if they were not. With regards to the clay modeling that is done for cars, I kind of wondered if there might be some applicability to ship design. Along these lines I've bought a number of books on both car design and airplane design. I just remebered one last semi-related thing that this thread got me thinking about again.īy training I'm a naval architect & mariine engineer, but I have an interest in all types of engineering, especially in looking at where there could be cross-overs, or in how other related engineering fields handle similar tasks to what I do. Here you can see where I hav recently cut the model to lengten its well-base, since I am trying to mock up a 4-door sedan instaed of a two door coupe. Along side that model is a later balsa wood half model that I tried out for testing different shapes and curves on.įinally below you can see an image of my latest attempt along side that snap together Mustang that I am using as a basis. In the next image you can see the smaller clay model turned upside down, showing the red "sculpy" armature (whic I had baked in my oven to harden). You can kind of see in the image above how one side of te models is discolored from being close to a heat source, which kind of had a negative impact on the clay. The stuff I used was just some basic modeling clay that I got at a craft store and it was very greasy and not real well suited for this type modeling. Another mistake I made though, was in using the wrong type clay. As such, I later started the smaller scale model, by taking a small scale inexpensive diecast sedan apart and pressing "sculpy" type clay into it to make a rough armature that was more closely matched to real car dimensions. One problem that I ran into, with trying to start in plastic and putty (plus some balsa wood as well) was that it was hard for me to fully visualize how some stuff should come together and it was hard to make changes and/or try out ideas that you didn't fully have planned completely out yet., especially around the front and rear ends of the car As such, I decided to try some smaller scale clay mockups, as sown below.įor the larger model I built a rough armature/base for the model out of balsa & bass wood, but unfortunately messed up my dimensioning.

clay car body design

The 1st image shows the 1/24 scale body I was initially converting, alongside a copy of the 1/24 scale police car model that I had started from. Last nite, while looking for something else, I came across some of my old attempts at making my own automobile design, that I thought I'd pass along here to share lessons learned and stuff. Here are some in-process images of this small scale kitbash using an inexpensive model thar I found at a local hobby store.Ĭoncept & Concept 2 - my initial idea is to try and make a modern car with some of the features from an early 1950's BuickĮven later top view with potential paint colors

clay car body design clay car body design

Clay car body design download#

Another thing that I did to help start out, was to download various sketches and drawings of some cars with features that I liked and load them into Powerpoint, so that I could cut/crop and paste different pieces together to get an overall idea of what I was looking for. An initial problem I ran into in trying to do something in clay was "trying to visualize want I wanted to do in 3D".Īs such I figured maybe starting with a small scale mockup/kitbash might help me better get a feel for how all the different curves and shapes might all come together.

Clay car body design